Assume we are a working in the national department of disease control. The country is in the grips of a Swine Flu Pandemic. The President has declared a national emergency. The need of the hour is to have a co-ordinated nationwide response to the epidemic. An effective response is dependant on having real-time update on the spread of the Swine-Flu. All emergency personnel, federal and state healthcare agencies and hospitals need to have upto-date information about the impact of Swine flu in their state. This data is going to be critical to prioritize the shipment of Flu Vaccines and other critical medical supplies needed to combat this epidemic.
Using the Google Visualization API - Intensity Map is an effective way to keep track and publish the information on the spread and effect of Swine Flu. The Gadget uses a simple shared excel spreadsheet to record the data and the maps are updated instantaneously. By providing update access to the spreadsheet to key departments or agencies across different areas in all the states, we can ensure that accurate and timely information is obtained and that the information is easily available to everyone.
The ease of integrating the gadget, elimination of the need to write and maintain complex code , elemination of the need to transfer this data and associated complexities from multiple locations to a central location before publishing are the some of the major advantages of using this gadget.
The source data for this prototype can be found at this link
Disclaimer: All numbers are shown for demo purposes only. These numbers do not indicate the actual number of Swine flu cases/deaths.
Using the Google Visualization API - Intensity Map is an effective way to keep track and publish the information on the spread and effect of Swine Flu. The Gadget uses a simple shared excel spreadsheet to record the data and the maps are updated instantaneously. By providing update access to the spreadsheet to key departments or agencies across different areas in all the states, we can ensure that accurate and timely information is obtained and that the information is easily available to everyone.
The ease of integrating the gadget, elimination of the need to write and maintain complex code , elemination of the need to transfer this data and associated complexities from multiple locations to a central location before publishing are the some of the major advantages of using this gadget.
The source data for this prototype can be found at this link
Disclaimer: All numbers are shown for demo purposes only. These numbers do not indicate the actual number of Swine flu cases/deaths.